Friday, 6 February 2009

Walking 14 floors up and down

It's not that we have a fire alarm so I have to walk down the ground floor for 14 floors. LOL! I work on 8th floor you need a better guess :-D

In the morning, I got an idea that after lunch, I will take a walk to make my health more healthy! And stretch my legs and all that. I nearly die at the office desk! Where should it be convenient and cheap? There's no park around my office building so I think the best place is the parking lot! It is 7-story parking lot and the ramp is not steep so it is a good location. At noon, I did it twice- up and down! So I made a 14-floor full walk today. Hardly not sweated! I will try a 21-floor walk tomorrow!

Today is the first day in....many months I had sth closed to the word, exercise. Cheers for it :-)